Group, LLC
Mission: Pay it forward
Robin Woolley & Karen Cayer
Award Winning Authors
40 years of Consulting Experience
Terms and Conditions: Fearless Confidence Women's Master Group
1. Commitment to Participation:
Participants are esteemed as ingenious and whole individuals, embracing the belief in their inherent POWER. Each participant is recognized as capable of developing solutions, following through, and stretching without breaking. Adaptability and flexibility, even in the face of setbacks, are inherent qualities valued in the coaching journey.
2. Confidentiality Agreement:
Acknowledging that people are fully-integrated beings, clients are encouraged to bring their values, priorities, and various relationships into the coaching process. These aspects, factored into decision-making processes, align with the holistic perspective of the coaching experience.
3. Openness to Self-Reflection:
Embracing the principle that coaching happens in the moment, participants commit to being fully present during coaching sessions. The focus will be on 'being' rather than following a predefined script, fostering authentic and dynamic conversations with a somatic lens.
4. Contribution to Group Dynamics:
Understanding that the coach is a guide, not an expert or hero, participants agree to actively engage in the coaching process. The coach's role is to listen, believe, encourage, challenge, be honest, offer insights, and occasionally push boundaries—all with the aim of empowering individuals within the group. This reflects the holistic lens, acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal and collective growth.
5. Goal Setting and Progress Sharing:
Utilizing the four lenses of coaching, participants commit to setting specific and achievable goals, actively working towards them, and openly sharing progress with the group. The coaching approach integrates the GROW model, ORID model, Somatic awareness, and Holistic connections.
6. Program Fee:
The upfront program fee of $360 is non-refundable and covers the entire 12-week coaching program. This holistic coaching approach respects the ingenious and whole nature of individuals, recognizing their power, capabilities, and the importance of values in decision-making.
7. Code of Conduct:
Participants agree to abide by a respectful and inclusive code of conduct, reflecting the belief that everyone is fully-integrated and unique. The coaching process will honor each individual's values, priorities, and relationships.
8. Termination of Participation:
The coach reserves the right to terminate a participant's involvement in the program if there is a consistent failure to adhere to the agreed-upon terms and conditions, considering the four lenses of coaching for a comprehensive assessment.
9. Modification of Terms:
The coach reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, integrating the principles of the four lenses of coaching and communicating any changes to participants in advance.
By participating in the Fearless Confidence Women's Master Group, each member acknowledges and agrees to adhere to these terms and conditions, embracing a coaching approach that honors the inherent power, wholeness, and uniqueness of each individual.